Mystical Identification
Some years ago, I wrote an unwieldy article for a particular journal. In that article I offered an interpretation of the Apostle Paul’s statement in Galatians 6:17, “From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” The term “marks” in the Greek is “stigmata.” My mind went to odd places, and I argued that Paul might mean (and I may have written that he did mean) the word literally. Now, many people would say that the marks of Jesus come from his being shipwrecked, beaten, hit with rocks, etc. in the course of his ministry. In other words, his scars are the marks he has received in the work of Christ. That certainly makes sense. But what I argued in that article was that maybe he didn’t mean it that way. Maybe Paul meant that he had what is more commonly thought of as the stigmata – the bleeding hands – that demonstrate a powerful and mystical connection with Christ. [1] I bring this up only...