What Does it Matter?
I recently watched the first episode of the program "How the Universe Works." I found it to be moderately okay. The Nova series "The Fabric of the Cosmos" is far more instructive, in my opinion. But, if you do watch the first episode of "How the Universe Works" which is focused on the Big Bang Theory (not the television show, either), you will probably come to deal with two facts. 1. The people who designed the show only had one graphic to demonstrate the concept of the initial explosion of the universe. You will see the same big blue explosion over and over and over and over and over. It gets so bad that you forget to listen to the narration because you are too busy thinking, "Don't they have any other video effects to use?" 2. You might have a slight sense of disquiet resting with you by the end of the program. It is the second aspect that I would address. Even if you haven't seen the show, the theory of the Big Bang seems ...