More Than This
At a recent Bible study on the Book of Revelation, we spent some time discussing the statement "mystery of God" found in the 10th chapter. Now, there are myriad ways in which the book of Revelation can be interpreted. Some are more cogent than others, but they all have some slight validity given the source material. The book is so odd that making sense of it is a huge task from whatever point of view you begin. But as we were talking about the phrase "mystery of God" I pointed out that the term itself isn't unique to Revelation. It is, in fact, a pretty standard apocalyptic term used to mean divinely concealed information about the end of the age or about some divine/heavenly secret that cannot be shared unitl it is disclosed to the inspired insight of a prophet, apocalpticist, or visionary. And that idea isn't unique to Revelation, either. The idea that there are things in heaven and on earth that we cannot comprehend, let alone give des...