Trouble Hearing the Message?
As a student of scripture, I find that I am increasingly concerned with the fact that Christianity has so embraced the book, “The Message” created by Eugene Peterson. In and of itself, the book “The Message” is merely a more modern paraphrase than the Living Bible. And while Peterson has done a vastly superior job of turning the language of the New Testament into the vernacular, we read it at our own risk and we accept it as authoritative at our peril. The book has been around for around a decade, but I find that it crops up in curriculum, studies, and sermons more and more. I find that troubling. When on reads “The Message,” one is basically reading a stylized narrative based on the texts of the New Testament. A good first page of this work might read, “Based on the New Testament,” in much the same spirit as movies that are loosely based on a true story begin with "Based on a True Story." Perhaps a more accurate opening page would read, “Inspired by th...