Jesus: The Movie(s)
A few years back, Mel Gibson gave us "The Passion of the Christ." I went to see it with a group of pastors and the things I remember most about the movie were some of the odd questions I had before I went in. Does one get popcorn before watching a movie about Jesus? I decided no. Nor does one get Sweet Tarts or any other candy. It just doesn't fit to get a sugar rush during the Sermon on the Mount. Secondly, I found myself asking "What previews do you show with this?" Answer: Spider-Man 2 and The Day After Tomorrow. Spider-Man seemed way out of place. The Day After Tomorrow seemed more fitting - something about apocalyptic movies and Bible movies. While they don't have to go together, they do seem related. Anyway, I found that the movie was quite an emotional experience. A well done film and one I recommend. But it isn't my favorite. I've seen plenty of movies about Jesus. Some focus on partic...