
Showing posts from July, 2014

Jesus: The Movie(s)

A few years back, Mel Gibson gave us "The Passion of the Christ."  I went to see it with a group of pastors and the things I remember most about the movie were some of the odd questions I had before I went in.  Does one get popcorn before watching a movie about Jesus?  I decided no.  Nor does one get Sweet Tarts or any other candy.  It just doesn't fit to get a sugar rush during the Sermon on the Mount. Secondly, I found myself asking "What previews  do you show with this?"  Answer:  Spider-Man 2 and The Day After Tomorrow.  Spider-Man seemed way out of place.  The Day After Tomorrow seemed more fitting - something about apocalyptic movies and Bible movies.  While they don't have  to go together, they do seem related. Anyway, I found that the movie was quite an emotional experience.  A well done film and one I recommend.  But it isn't my favorite. I've seen plenty of movies about Jesus.  Some focus on partic...

Transitional Observations

I have been transitioning from one pastoral setting to another.  In the United Methodist Church that's something that we have to get used to as a pastor.  But it doesn't come easy as you get older.  When you are a young pastor, just starting out, you find the idea of a move to a new church exciting.  New buildings, new house, new everything.  As you get older, though, to make a move means letting things go.  And the longer you serve at a particular church, the more you find you have to leave behind.  The prospects of moving become far more bittersweet. You also find that you aren't as well prepared as you might think.  Seminary teaches us great and wonderful things.  The churches you serve are actually interested in some  of those great and wonderful things.  No matter how long you have been a pastor, you find that instead of bringing all you have to offer to a church, the church instead wishes for you to fit their expectations fi...