
Showing posts from August, 2014

Why We Try to Stay Asleep

It is in the early hours of the morning that I write.  The flashlight has illumined my steps to the room with the computer, and I find that if I dwell too long on any of the concerns of my life they seem insurmountable.  The problems of the world are more than I bear to consider - the darkness of poor decisions rests like a millstone around my neck; poor decisions of my own and poor decisions of others.  Problems that are not of my making and not of my choosing surround my like a thorn bush, threatening to prick, slice, cut or gouge me should I try to move. The ticking of the clock becomes an all too clear reminder of mortality: it passes too fast the older you become and the more you appreciate it.  Youth is  wasted on the young, but only the recklessness of youth can bring the maturity and understanding of the importance of life and life lived well or the sadness of recognition of life misspent.  Maturity comes at a high cost.  The Apostle Paul men...

The Dangerous Habit of Making Connections

When I was in college, I had my first real encounter with a conspiracy theorist.  Now, I have a few conspiracy theories of my own on a variety of subjects, but this particular guy put me to shame.  He had a book that he read as faithfully as - if not more so - the Bible.  He let me borrow it and read it through.  I won't tell you the name of it, because I can't remember it.  It had something to do with the Four Horsemen and had a strange cover.  It was a giant book that seemed to have been written with a typewriter that didn't have a correction button, as there were words that were misspelled and other grammatical errors.  I will say that by the time I finished reading it, I went back through trying to find all the errors to see if I had missed a hidden code! Anyway, the book made me a little paranoid for a while.  I have now lived long enough to recognize that some of the theories just couldn't be true.  Others, since they are only theorie...