A few weeks ago, I saw a sign in front of a church that read "KJV Preached Here." For those of you who might not know what that means, it - first and foremost - means that that particular church reads from and will only read from the King James Version of the Bible. That's the one with the "hence cometh" and "speaketh thee" language. What that also likely means is that particular church is a rather conservative one. I base that on the sign as well as a second sign below that one that read, "Conservative Music Sung Here." I wasn't sure exactly what that meant. I guess it means that only particular traditional hymns are sung. I don't think it means hymns that are right leaning, but more reflective of an older Christian tradition. Though I do wonder if they would sing old high church songs that might be technically older , but not reflective of their particular understanding of conservative music. I would assume conservati...