Why the Jedi Live in Isolation
I am a big fan of the Star Wars movies/universe. I look with great excitement towards the next installment of the movie series in December. And as popular as Star Wars is, especially with the excitement about the new movie on its way, I find that my enjoyment of the Star Wars mythology is as much philosophical as it is from the entertainment of the movies themselves. In particular, I have found that a recurring question pops into my head as I watch the movies - especially the original three. The question is this: why do the Jedi live such solitary existences? Of course the obvious answer lies in Episode III where the Jedi are infiltrated and betrayed not only by Darth Vader, but by the machinations of the politically ambitious Emperor Palpatine who has been maneuvering the Jedi towards destruction for a long, long time. After the Empire turns on the Jedi, they become hunted people. Hence the need to live in isolation. But is that it? I under...