Tolerance is not Coexistence
I have to admit that I have been re-thinking some long-held positions I have had. That, I suppose, comes from being a pastor/teacher. Everything you teach has to be researched. And eventually you come to places where you have to re-evaluate your own ideas. It isn't always pleasant. Sometimes it is downright depressing or even frightening. But I feel it is a duty of life since an unexamined one is not worth the lack of effort. I have been struggling with the ideas of tolerance. The word is a catch all for people these days - especially people who also wish to advocate peaceful coexistence. But are the two really the same? Coexistence doesn't necessarily mean tolerance, and tolerance doesn't lead to coexistence. I would feel that coexistence (itself a popular bumper sticker with regard to world religions) is a great ideal. Our collective religious histories demonstrate that we have been reluctant to coexist but have...