The Mystery of the Truth

I was fortunate to visit Rosslyn Chapel (whose formal name is actually the Collegiate Chapel of St. Matthew) in Scotland. If you don't know anything about this place, I would suggest reading up about it. It is a wonder to behold to say the very least. Mostly it is known from the DaVinci Code book and movie as being a place with hidden symbols (all of which Dan Brown manged to solve, apparently). In that regard, the book and movie are dead on. The entirety of the chapel is covered in carvings and symbols. In many ways it is like looking at a giant hidden picture puzzle in that there seems to always be more there than what you saw the first time you looked. And conspiracy theories abound about the place - and one can easily see why. The chapel is a trove of symbols and strange carvings. The history of the chapel is pretty well understood, but we don't know what all the designs and symbols meant either to the stone masons or the original congre...