The Intangibles of Faith
The Trinity is a concept that would be best described as a mystery of faith. It is not a doctrine spelled out in Scripture, though it is a doctrine the church has agreed is a binding one. The word trinity itself does not occur in the Bible at all, and there are only glimpses of it as a concept in the Bible itself. It is, however, a central tenant of our faith. Yet it remains a mystery and, as a mystery, an intangible. And intangibility is a hallmark of religion. Intangible, incorporeal, ethereal, spiritual. That which cannot be defined, held on to, or even seen. Intangible. Perhaps that’s why the church is losing ground – there is no gadget, no app, no hook, no gimmick, no thing . Worship has to be that which becomes the vehicle for experiencing the intangible. Community has to be that which becomes the vehicle for experiencing the intangible. And much of that community and worship is built on other intangibles...