The Broken Rule
The United Methodist Church (of which I am a part) has elected an openly gay individual to the Episcopacy. Karen Oliveto, a pastor in the Western Jurisdiction of the UMC was elected unanimously to the office of Bishop. My issue is not with her sexuality. It is with rules. By the rules of the United Methodist Church, which are collectively known as the Book of Discipline , "self-avowed practicing homosexuals" are officially prohibited from being ordained as pastors - let alone Bishop. Oliveto came out to her congregation and denomination this past year, meaning she had already been ordained. However at some point the question of her sexuality was either never brought up or ignored by her or by those in the process of ordination. Let me again say that her sexuality is not my concern. What is is that she seems to ( seems to ) have knowingly broken the rules of the Discipline and, as such, put the larger denomination in the odd position of having ordaine...