Musings on Ecclesiology
My understanding of the church had been relatively staid until I entered the parish setting. I would say that initially, my thinking of the church revolved around a location. The church was a place. Church was where you went, and where you belonged – as in membership. All my life I had ‘belonged’ to the United Methodist Church. But that location was also a positive location, where I felt welcomed, and where I was fortunate enough to find a voice for my faith as well as a voice for my doubts. Church, in my estimation now, was the place where you went and from which you learned how to, for lack of a better word, behave like a Christian the rest of the week. Over the years, my thinking has changed from an institutional mentality to more of an idea of a movement. I would like to believe that my old understanding entailed some kind of transformative aspect as a result from being a part of the church; some kind of response that continue...