After Reading an Old Paper
A few days ago I found a piece of paper on which I had written a long time ago. I found myself asking, "Did I really write that? Did I really feel that way?" It was a particularly pessimistic piece that reflected a world view I don't quite subscribe to any longer and, some 22+ years later, find difficult to imagine that I did. Though I suppose in some ways, I can. I can't quite remember the exact way I felt, but I do possibly remember the attitude that viewed society very negatively and pessimistically. Reading it I find I sound pretty clear in my disdain and the view of the world is both bleak and very black and white. I do remember thinking in those terms from time to time, but now, so far removed from the time in which I wrote, I have trouble comprehending where I was mentally as I wrote those words. Needless to say I don't quite share the same ideas any more. Admittedly the pessimism still lurks, but the overall attitude has changed. ...