
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Twelve Defenders of the Faith

A good question was asked in response to my last post about the Defenders (maybe I should talk about comic books some more…).  Before I answer it, let me say that I don’t mean to denigrate the Defenders as a b-team comic.  B-team in this particular context just means that they aren’t the most well-known of heroes in the comic universe (here particular to the Marvel Comic universe).  Being on a b-team is still pretty good.  There were some b-teams that brought some relatively obscure people up from the minor leagues, to be sure (I am here thinking of characters like Dr. Druid or Rocket Racoon – talk about coming from obscurity…Rocket was in the old Hulk comics first long before he was a Guardian of the Galaxy.  Speaking of which, a really odd ball cameo in the Guardian movies is that of Howard the Duck, who had a terrible movie back in 1986). There are some c and d listers as well, but sometimes a character like that can be a major player without ever holdin...