Why Did it Stick This Time?
It seems strange to me which issues take off and which do not. Take, for example, the accusations against Harvey Weinstein. Not that they aren't deserving of being addressed - they absolutely are. So were those against Bill Cosby. But why is it that this time the accusations stuck and the nation seemed to take full notice of this behavior? Yet we didn't follow through with the allegations against the President for misconduct and a variety of other allegations? Or why is it that the Weinstein issue took forefront and the issue of gun control has virtually disappeared? Or the issue of disaster relief? Or the fact that social injustice - most notably put to the foreground by the kneeling during the National Anthem - has somehow faded until the next shooting. Why is it that Weinstein has become the cause célèbre? I don't know. I'm not saying anything in defense of Weinstein's alleged behavior. It sounds reprehen...