Abraham and Thanos: Permissible Evil
In the movie “Avengers: Infinity War,” the on-screen villain of Thanos is depicted, remarkably, as a sympathetic character who is at once a father and a being under utter conviction of the righteousness of his cause: the annihilation of half of the universe. It is a departure in many cases from the Thanos depicted in the Infinity Gauntlet/Infinity War comic series from Marvel Comics. Nevertheless, it is a compelling narrative and not without a striking biblical parallel in the patriarch Abraham – in particular the troubling pericope of the intended sacrifice of Isaac. In the book of Genesis, Abraham (originally named Abram) is called by God to “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” [i] Abraham is depicted as a devotee of God who will argue with God on behalf of Sodom, [ii] become the promised father of multitudes, [iii] and have children in his advanced age. In particular, Abraham will...