
Showing posts from March, 2016

Know Way

A short aside: A few weeks back, I wrote "The Best and the Brightest?"  If you found it interesting, you might want to read this article: and read about a very under the radar speech. See what you think. Several weeks ago, I began putting my notes together for a study of the New Testament book (or epistle, which is more correct) of Hebrews.  As I was looking over those notes, I found my attention turning to one of my favorite passages from Plato - the allegory of the cave.  Found in Plato's Republic , it is a fantastic observation on the nature of truth and what the consequences of truth can be. Briefly, the allegory is that people are trapped in a cave, in the dark, with only shadows projected on a wall in front of them.  Those shadows are the illusion of reality that we accept.  There are, however, those who manage to break free and leave the cave to find the 'real' world beyond. ...

Is it I?

As this is Holy Week, I find that I ponder a very particular aspect of the story of Jesus' passion that involves an event around the Last Supper.  Jesus has just announced that one of the people at the table with him was going to betray him.  In the oldest version of this story, found in the Gospel of Mark, we read that after Jesus had said these words, "They began to be sorrowful, and to say to him one after another, 'Is it I?" The response is telling and troubling.  It wasn’t that they were going to betray Jesus, it was that they all thought they might .    They all knew they had the potential for betrayal. Therefore the need for Jesus to offer clarification, which apparently was only understood much later.  Even when Judas leaves the table, there still seems to be some concern that it wasn't him and that the betrayer still dwells among them like some sleeper agent; that there might be another who is the unknowing, unwitting betrayer of this m...

The Sobriety of Reason

Logic is not the natural disposition of human beings.  Sometimes it appears to not even be our goal.  It appears, more often than not, that we would rather remain in a superstitious, folklore driven state of mind than to pursue logic.  It also seems obvious that we will follow people who seem to have our best interests in mind or who give voice to our hopes or dreams or even our hatreds.  And once we give them our loyalty, logic be damned because it has become a matter of belief, even one of faith. It is how Jim Jones managed to convince the people to drink the poison.  It is how Hitler came to power.  It is also how the Apostle Paul founded churches and how Jesus became important beyond his temporal context. What you see quickly from these four names is that the list is not necessarily one of evil and good, but that the people who followed (or follow) these names have ascribed to them ultimate truth.  The nefariousness or benevolence of these to w...

The Best and the Brightest?

With Super Tuesday behind us, I have to wonder.  Is this  the best we have to offer ourselves?  Let's assume that Clinton and Trump are going to be our two major choices for president.  My question is: how did it come down to these two?  Are they the best?  Certainly not. One need only have listened to the news a few years back to have heard enough about both of these candidates to know two things. 1.  You can't trust them except  for the fact that... 2.  They will do anything to succeed. Clinton has the liberal label and Trump courts the evangelical Christians.  I am not sure how to get a handle on either of those two facts.  Especially the Trump/evangelical connection.  How does a man who has difficulty correctly citing the Bible - in particular the letters of Paul in the New Testament (remember the "two Corinthians" statement?) - become the champion, defender, and candidate for the religious right?  I mean, when t...