Know Way
A short aside: A few weeks back, I wrote "The Best and the Brightest?" If you found it interesting, you might want to read this article: and read about a very under the radar speech. See what you think. Several weeks ago, I began putting my notes together for a study of the New Testament book (or epistle, which is more correct) of Hebrews. As I was looking over those notes, I found my attention turning to one of my favorite passages from Plato - the allegory of the cave. Found in Plato's Republic , it is a fantastic observation on the nature of truth and what the consequences of truth can be. Briefly, the allegory is that people are trapped in a cave, in the dark, with only shadows projected on a wall in front of them. Those shadows are the illusion of reality that we accept. There are, however, those who manage to break free and leave the cave to find the 'real' world beyond. ...