Jesus Say Listen

I mentioned last time that I had received a letter from Warren Jeffs, the president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The tricky part about that last sentence is whether or not Jeffs is the president of that group or not.  He is currently in prison and there were some people who worked to get control of the FLDS, but Jeffs apparently resumed control of the denomination in 2011, though still in prison.

I'm not going to go into the question (or fact) of his incarceration or the rationale behind it.
Instead, I want to mention the fact that this letter from Jeffs to me care of the church to whom it was sent is not a letter per se, but is a record of a revelation sent to Jeffs by Jesus Christ.  Confusingly, either this message was received by Jeffs in November of 2015 or this was when the letter was sent out and (according to the bottom of the letter), copyrighted.

The letter is hard to read.  Mostly because it makes little sense.  For example, the 45th verse (and they are laid out as verses) reads as follows:  "Economy also is soon of no trust of world when battle of the nation navy order is lost to an lesser enemy of no immediate attack direct on the national order."

Hard to figure out what Jesus meant in that one.  But that might be because English wasn't Jesus' first language, nor, it would seem, was it Jeffs.  Perhaps Jeffs is translating directly from Jesus' Aramaic or the Revised Egyptian, or perhaps it is directly from the angelic tongue of the gods and as such is tricky to put into precise English.

Much like people who commune with the dead and/or other worldly beings, the biggest barrier between them and us seems to be language.  Especially with those talking with the dead since the dead seem to have a hard time telling the one channeling that their name was Robert.  "I think his name starts with sounds like a dog growling...rrrrr.  Maybe it is an R, but it could be more of a motorboat sound, like an m perhaps.  And it ends with a D.  Or a T.  Or maybe a Y."  Clarity from the other side is not forthcoming, it seems.  But if we keep guessing long enough, someone in the crowd fills in the blanks.

So perhaps Jeffs is doing the best he can in this document.  Maybe he is having to write really, really fast and didn't go back to proof-read the document.  Interestingly enough, Jesus does tell the listener to read Matthew 24 and "Luke last portion of chapter 17" for some clarification.  Wouldn't it be a true shocker if Jesus said to read from something that wasn't in the Bible or the Book of Mormon?  What if Jesus said to read Mark 13 and "Thunder Perfect Mind middle section pp. 256-7"?  Or if Jesus quoted something from a movie: "Get busy living or get busy dying," from The Shawshank Redemption would be good.

Of course Jeffs...sorry, Jesus did have a great line in verse 12.  While not quite as choppy as verse 45, it still leaves a bit to be desired for clarity.  It says, "Traitor to United States soon is to rule by deceiving all he is for preservation of nation; yet, on own will being doing of full opposite to promise to be elected, verily, traitor President joineth with the way of loss of sovereignty of nation by compromise in money system failing entire; he then subject to jealous order other ruler order of Congress or of own political group who elected him."

Well, I suppose speaks for itself that does.  Frighteningly, this one line might turn out to be right.  Let's hope not, though.  Of course Jesus Jeffs could have made life easier by simply giving us a name.  Then we might prevent it from happening.  That, of course, is not what modern sham prophets want.  They don't want or need clarity.  They need obfuscation and vague generalities so that it can either fit what has happened (and they can then point to it and say "there it was right in the prophecy all along") or be able to say it hasn't yet happened.  This traitor, for example, is described as a "he."  So if a woman gets elected, then the prophecy could be re-read to be about the president after her OR it could be read (to clarify) that it never actually said president initially.  The traitor this verse is talking about could be someone who works with a traitor president.

Maybe I am working far to hard to make this all make sense.

The one theme throughout is for people to work for peace.  Good idea and one that Jesus, I think, would advocate.  And while Jesus Jeffs doesn't tell us who the traitor President will be, he does declare that the "holy servant of Keyholder order, Warren by name among men, is innocent.  Trial was not of full order proper judicial order, no time given to prepare holy order of God defending according to freedom of religion; judge erroneously outruled [sic] all religious defense for all the member order she tried; all were not allowed religious freedom defense."  Pretty specific there.

That is, of course followed by Jesus Jeffs plugging his most recent book:  "Now whole nation and world know my word in Book of Warning of Jesus Christ to all nation order." I don't know if that last part was supposed to mean "the nations" or if all nations should "order" the book.  The letter itself had included with it an order form for that very book (hence my feeling that the idea of "ordering" is what Jesus Jeffs is presumed to have meant).

Interestingly enough, the letter says that you can order the third edition of this book for $25.  I guess it does need to be revised from time to time.

I have met and know some fine people who are members of the LDS.  None of them would consider Jeffs to speak for them.  I read this letter and wonder exactly who Jeffs does speak for?  The FLDS strikes me as a cover for a strange utilization of Jesus to justify a lot of bad theology, bad morality, and self-justification.  But if the Pope is criticized for suggesting particular people aren't Christian, then I will leave it alone.

You can read it for yourself if you want - it only costs $25.  And brush up on listening to Yoda in the Star Wars movies.  It might make it a little clearer.  Or perhaps I should say, "Clearer it might become."

Maybe even that was too much clarification.


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