And the iron begins to cool...

So, the inevitable blowback seems to be beginning.

With the RNC backing Roy Moore (while also calling for Sen. Franken to step down), we begin to see the powers wanting to keep their power regardless of the obvious nature of "flexible" standards that apply when needed and don't apply when they would cause the party to lose power.

We are seeing the in news the strange spectacle of Billy Bush being fired while Donald Trump remains president.  Ted Cruz calls for Al Franken to step down while defending Roy Moore.  Democrats push to have John Conyers to step down while the GOP doesn't do the same for Moore (any more).  Perhaps because to do so would put them in an awkward position of having to hold people accountable to the same set of standards.

And then we have the great stories about Wes Goodman, congressman from Ohio who was an anti-LGBT conservative who was caught having sex in his office...with another man.

And one of Trump's former Oklahoma campaign managers pleaded guilty to sex trafficking a teenage boy.

The list goes on.  And these are those who are going to make America great again?  I think not.

And in the midst of this, the blowback against the rampant accusations of sexual misconduct seems to be taking place.  Instead of the reaction we have seen in the entertainment industry, in politics there is selective response to the accusations.  And with the case of Moore, we are seeing a rallying cry by the GOP to surround a man despite the accusations in order to keep someone else out of office. 

Again, I admit these are allegations.  But that's all we've seen in the cases of Weinstein and Kevin Spacey.  Allegations.  But, ala Matt Lauer, we do have a sense that the voices that cried out (such as Ann Curry) finally being given their due, but it feels that the time of striking while the iron is hot has started to pass.  Especially if cold water is being thrown on the iron.

It is terribly frustrating to see pushback on social issues and so blatant double standards being applied from one party to the next. 

Perhaps we should expect little else from those who wish to hold power.  Especially those who want to hold on to power.


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